
Please remember to pay your Annual Dues of $174 by March 1st, 2025. A $75 Late Fee will be applied to any dues not postmarked by this date.

Please plan to attend the Annual Meeting on February 24th, 6:00 PM, at the Hilton Garden Inn, 2555 Hilton Garden Drive in Auburn. (Off Bent Creek Rd — I85 Exit #57)

Welcome to our neighborhood and our Information Center. Here you will find: a complete and up to date posting of our Covenants and Restrictions, information for the use of our swimming pool, how to apply for an Architectural Review and approval of modifications to your property, and a set of Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any questions please contact our Manager at 334-750-0754, or you can contact us at:

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 675
Auburn, AL 36831-0675

Phone: (334) 750-0754

Email: admin@hovhoa.org

Useful Links

Yard Waste Notice from the City

We have noticed a continuing issue with some of our customers in the Ogletree Village/Hillbrook neighborhoods placing yard waste in areas that may create traffic, sewer or collection concerns.  Residents should be reminded to keep in mind the following guidelines to aid our collection efforts?

  • No material should be placed in the street, on sidewalks nor on or near sewer culverts and storm drains.
  • Leaves, and grass clippings in the summer, should be piled or contained on the property from which they originated.
  • Loose material should be placed in one large pile, not continuous or “windrow” piles.
  • We recommend yard debris be put in lawn waste bags (which can be purchased at hardware or home improvement stores) and placed within 3’ – 5’ of the curb, but not in the street.  This will help prevent damage to lawns by the boom on our trucks.

Should anyone have any concerns or questions, please feel free to pass along my contact information, or our main office number, 334-501-3080, and we will do our best to assist.

Thank you,
Julie Hoff
Solid Waste Enforcement
Environmental Services Department
City of Auburn
365-A N. Donahue Drive
Auburn, AL  36830


Maintaining your home to the standards of the HOV Neighborhood Covenants and Architectural Review Guidelines is your responsibility as a homeowner.  Do you understand the Covenants and expectations that they represent?

Click here for a complete online guide to the HOVHOA Covenants, Twin Home Agreements and Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Guidelines.

P.O. Box 675, Auburn, AL 36831-0675
Phone: 334-750-0754
Email: admin@hovhoa.org